
quick change of user comment and artists in digital images, display and change of meta data, ...

Data privacy statement

In this privacy policy we inform you about the processing of personal data when using this website and the program offered on this website.


Responsible for data processing is:

Norbert Wagner
Karl-Geusen-Str. 202
40231 Düsseldorf

Personal data

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter “affected person”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Data when using the QuickImageComment program

If the program runs under Windows 10, error reports of program crashes and elementary anonymous usage data can be transmitted to the developer with the help of Microsoft AppCenter. The user must give his consent for this transmission when the program is started for the first time. If this consent is not given, no data is collected and transmitted. The consent can be revoked via mask “Settings”.

The following general data is transmitted (with examples):

"id": "2ebed716-d414-4229-811b-ce148f67cb72",  
  "name": "FormSettings",  
  "timestamp": "2020-11-22T13:07:25.5593608Z",  
  "sid": "d06fe55c-2ac7-42d5-a44a-2b5d0c0df325",  
  "device": {  
    "sdkName": "appcenter.winforms",  
    "sdkVersion": "3.4.3",  
    "model": "WH657AA-ABD p6310de",  
    "oemName": "HP-Pavilion",  
    "osName": "WINDOWS",  
    "osVersion": "10.0.19041",  
    "osBuild": "10.0.19041.630",  
    "locale": "de-DE",  
    "timeZoneOffset": 60,  
    "screenSize": "1920x1080",  
    "appVersion": "4.36-X86-Beta4",  
    "appBuild": "",  
    "appNamespace": "QuickImageComment"  

The bug reports additionally include:

Each transmission of a bug report must be confirmed individually.

Transmission of elementary anonymous usage data

The transmission of elementary anonymous usage data includes a designation of an event in addition to the general data, but no further details. Logged events are:

Using Google Maps and Bing Maps

With this program it is possible to display maps from Google Maps or Bing Maps. This is then done as in a usual web browser (e.g., Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) and the data privacy policies of Google Maps or Bing Maps apply.

Your rights

As an affected person, you have the following rights:

This statement is based on the following German source: Muster-Datenschutzerklärung von anwalt.de